Match Day | Date | Away | Result | Home | Match Notes | GM of Away | GM of Home |
1 | 9/11/2023 | Shadows | 3-1 | Sketch Squad | FrostyBrew | Irishhhh | |
1 | 9/11/2023 | Cthylla | 2-2 | Skater Skellies | TechFour | Banshii | |
1 | 9/11/2023 | Praetorians | 1-3 | Sacrificed | turboalpaca | D1REW00F | |
1 | 9/11/2023 | Sloth | 1-1 | Surprise | Games 3-4 FF | YourEvilTwin | chulainn |
1 | 9/11/2023 | House Salads | 0-4 | Bundts of Steel | Array | Armo27 | |
1 | 9/11/2023 | Nightfall | 4-0 | Alfredo Army | Quan | JustLaben | |
2 | 9/13/2023 | Shadows | 0-4 | Surprise | FrostyBrew | chulainn | |
2 | 9/13/2023 | Cthylla | 2-2 | Bundts of Steel | TechFour | Armo27 | |
2 | 9/13/2023 | Alfredo Army | 1-3 | Skater Skellies | JustLaben | Banshii | |
2 | 9/13/2023 | Nightfall | 3-1 | House Salads | Quan | Array | |
2 | 9/13/2023 | Sacrificed | 1-3 | Sloth | D1REW00F | YourEvilTwin | |
2 | 9/13/2023 | Sketch Squad | 0-4 | Praetorians | Irishhhh | turboalpaca | |
3 | 9/18/2023 | Sacrificed | 2-2 | Sketch Squad | D1REW00F | Irishhhh | |
3 | 9/18/2023 | Surprise | 3-1 | Skater Skellies | chulainn | Banshii | |
3 | 9/18/2023 | Bundts of Steel | 1-3 | Nightfall | Armo27 | Quan | |
3 | 9/18/2023 | Sloth | 4-0 | Alfredo Army | YourEvilTwin | JustLaben | |
3 | 9/18/2023 | Praetorians | 3-1 | House Salads | turboalpaca | Array | |
3 | 9/18/2023 | Shadows | 4-0 | Cthylla | FrostyBrew | TechFour | |
4 | 9/20/2023 | Surprise | 2-2 | Sacrificed | chulainn | D1REW00F | |
4 | 9/20/2023 | Sketch Squad | 1-3 | Bundts of Steel | Irishhhh | Armo27 | |
4 | 9/20/2023 | Skater Skellies | 1-3 | Nightfall | Banshii | Quan | |
4 | 9/20/2023 | Sloth | 2-2 | Praetorians | YourEvilTwin | turboalpaca | |
4 | 9/20/2023 | Alfredo Army | 3-0 | Cthylla | G1 FF | JustLaben | TechFour |
4 | 9/20/2023 | House Salads | 3-1 | Shadows | Array | FrostyBrew | |
5 | 9/25/2023 | Alfredo Army | 2-2 | Surprise | JustLaben | chulainn | |
5 | 9/25/2023 | Sketch Squad | 2-2 | House Salads | Irishhhh | Array | |
5 | 9/25/2023 | Bundts of Steel | 1-3 | Sloth | Armo27 | YourEvilTwin | |
5 | 9/25/2023 | Skater Skellies | 3-1 | Praetorians | Banshii | turboalpaca | |
5 | 9/25/2023 | Nightfall | 3-1 | Cthylla | Quan | TechFour | |
5 | 9/25/2023 | Sacrificed | 3-1 | Shadows | D1REW00F | FrostyBrew | |
6 | 9/27/2023 | Alfredo Army | 2-2 | Sketch Squad | JustLaben | Irishhhh | |
6 | 9/27/2023 | House Salads | 4-0 | Skater Skellies | Array | Banshii | |
6 | 9/27/2023 | Cthylla | 4-0 | Sacrificed | TechFour | D1REW00F | |
6 | 9/27/2023 | Sloth | 3-1 | Nightfall | YourEvilTwin | Quan | |
6 | 9/27/2023 | Surprise | 4-0 | Praetorians | chulainn | turboalpaca | |
6 | 9/27/2023 | Shadows | 1-3 | Bundts of Steel | FrostyBrew | Armo27 | |
7 | 10/2/2023 | Skater Skellies | Sketch Squad | 3v2 no stats | Banshii | Irishhhh | |
7 | 10/2/2023 | Bundts of Steel | 1-3 | Sacrificed | Armo27 | D1REW00F | |
7 | 10/2/2023 | Surprise | 1-3 | Nightfall | chulainn | Quan | |
7 | 10/2/2023 | House Salads | 3-1 | Alfredo Army | Array | JustLaben | |
7 | 10/2/2023 | Cthylla | 2-2 | Sloth | TechFour | YourEvilTwin | |
7 | 10/2/2023 | Praetorians | 2-2 | Shadows | turboalpaca | FrostyBrew | |
8 | 10/4/2023 | Surprise | 4-0 | Sketch Squad | chulainn | Irishhhh | |
8 | 10/4/2023 | Bundts of Steel | 2-2 | Skater Skellies | Armo27 | Banshii | |
8 | 10/4/2023 | Sacrificed | 0-4 | Nightfall | D1REW00F | Quan | |
8 | 10/4/2023 | Praetorians | 3-1 | Alfredo Army | turboalpaca | JustLaben | |
8 | 10/4/2023 | Cthylla | 1-3 | House Salads | TechFour | Array | |
8 | 10/4/2023 | Sloth | 4-0 | Shadows | YourEvilTwin | FrostyBrew | |
9 | 10/11/2023 | Skater Skellies | 0-4 | Sacrificed | Banshii | D1REW00F | |
9 | 10/11/2023 | Bundts of Steel | 2-2 | Surprise | Armo27 | chulainn | |
9 | 10/11/2023 | Sketch Squad | 0-4 | Nightfall | Irishhhh | Quan | |
9 | 10/11/2023 | House Salads | 2-2 | Sloth | Array | YourEvilTwin | |
9 | 10/11/2023 | Cthylla | 3-1 | Praetorians | TechFour | turboalpaca | |
9 | 10/11/2023 | Alfredo Army | 4-0 | Shadows | JustLaben | FrostyBrew | |
10 | 10/16/2023 | Sloth | 4-0 | Sketch Squad | YourEvilTwin | Irishhhh | |
10 | 10/16/2023 | Shadows | 1-2 | Skater Skellies | Game 4 FF | FrostyBrew | Banshii |
10 | 10/16/2023 | Bundts of Steel | 2-2 | Alfredo Army | Armo27 | JustLaben | |
10 | 10/16/2023 | Sacrificed | 2-2 | House Salads | D1REW00F | Array | |
10 | 10/16/2023 | Nightfall | 4-0 | Praetorians | Quan | turboalpaca | |
10 | 10/16/2023 | Surprise | 2-2 | Cthylla | chulainn | TechFour | |
11 | 10/18/2023 | Alfredo Army | 2-2 | Sacrificed | JustLaben | D1REW00F | |
11 | 10/18/2023 | House Salads | 0-4 | Surprise | Array | chulainn | |
11 | 10/18/2023 | Praetorians | 0-4 | Bundts of Steel | turboalpaca | Armo27 | |
11 | 10/18/2023 | Shadows | 0-4 | Nightfall | FrostyBrew | Quan | |
11 | 10/18/2023 | Skater Skellies | 0-4 | Sloth | Banshii | YourEvilTwin | |
11 | 10/18/2023 | Sketch Squad | 1-3 | Cthylla | Irishhhh | TechFour | |
12 | 10/23/2023 | Sketch Squad | 0-4 | Sacrificed | Irishhhh | D1REW00F | |
12 | 10/23/2023 | Skater Skellies | 0-4 | Surprise | Banshii | chulainn | |
12 | 10/23/2023 | Nightfall | 1-3 | Bundts of Steel | Quan | Armo27 | |
12 | 10/23/2023 | Alfredo Army | 1-3 | Sloth | JustLaben | YourEvilTwin | |
12 | 10/23/2023 | House Salads | 2-2 | Praetorians | Array | turboalpaca | |
12 | 10/23/2023 | Cthylla | 1-3 | Shadows | TechFour | FrostyBrew | |
13 | 10/25/2023 | Sketch Squad | Alfredo Army | Needs a strike and then Stats FF | Irishhhh | JustLaben | |
13 | 10/25/2023 | Skater Skellies | 2-2 | House Salads | Banshii | Array | |
13 | 10/25/2023 | Sacrificed | 3-1 | Cthylla | D1REW00F | TechFour | |
13 | 10/25/2023 | Nightfall | 2-2 | Sloth | Quan | YourEvilTwin | |
13 | 10/25/2023 | Praetorians | 1-3 | Surprise | turboalpaca | chulainn | |
13 | 10/25/2023 | Bundts of Steel | 2-2 | Shadows | Armo27 | FrostyBrew | |
Quarterfinals | 10/30/2023 | Sacrificed | Bundts of Steel | ||||
Quarterfinals | 10/30/2023 | House Salads | Sloth | ||||
Semifinals | 11/1/2023 | Bundts of Steel | Nightfall | ||||
Semifinals | 11/1/2023 | Sloth | Surprise | ||||
Finals | 11/1/2023 |